Josh Log

Friday, December 15, 2006

Josh's school had their Christmas program last night and Josh had an actual part. He was elf #2 and he had 2 lines! It was so cute. He wore red tights that kept slipping down, so when he'd hike them back up, his costume would come up too and display some of his, well...abilities. Fortunately, he'd pull it back down after only a couple of seconds, but it was so fun to watch.

I forgot to post a fun story about Halloween. We went out with the Touchets and another family we've met through them and they have a rather large neighborhood. Josh, Connor, and Cayman were a few houses ahead of Jensen, Lily and the rest of us, so Cayman's dad tried his best to keep up with the boys. He told me later that when a house had their particular college colors displayed, Josh would say, instead of Trick or Treat, either "Boomer Sooner" or "Go Cowboys". I think it worked too, he had a TON of candy!
