Josh Log

Monday, December 29, 2003

We had a fun and busy Christmas week. We travelled to OKC to visit relatives. We spent the 23rd with Shawn's mom, Josh had some problems with antagonizing their 12 year old Sheltie. Then we went to my Dad's on Christmas Eve, where Josh was scared of their 2 chinese pugs. I guess you could say he deserved it. Christmas morning was fun, but over very quickly. We went to my Mom's that evening and spent some time with Steve and his family in from Texas and my brother Scott and his family. We had a good time. Last night, we enjoyed (I'm using that word loosely) some time with the Moore's. Actually it WAS fun, the boys just had issue after issue until all you could really do was laugh about it. Josh told me last night that he liked the guitar Suzanne got him and he wanted to keep it.

Josh has also decided that he wants to marry me. I'm having a hard time explaining things to him. But it was really sweet when he gave me some artificial flowers yesterday and said "Will you marry me my princess?" He'll romance a woman someday. A long time from now I hope.

Monday, December 15, 2003

I talked with Sean and Christine Meade last night, mostly Christine with some football dialogue with Mr. Meade thrown in. Josh wouldn't go to be while I was still up, so he laid his head on my lap. At one point, he told me to tell Miss Christine, "X-Men" that was the message. So I told her. I'm not sure when he learned that the Meades enjoy the X-Men as well, but he remembered it all of a sudden. He also told me, "I like Wil and Elizabeth." They really miss each other. It's sweet and sad at the same time.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Josh does this really cute thing when we ask him questions. For example....."What do you want to wear today?" "It's called a excavator shirt." Everything begins with "It's called..." Very cute.

Friday, November 07, 2003

WOW! It's been awhile. I don't have to quote Wil Meade this year though, as OU triumphed over OSU and I was happy and happy a lot. Josh went to "Big Church" with us for the first time ever and did really well. People were coming up to us after the service and commenting on his good behaviour. How did they know he was so good? Because he wanted to sit in the front row! NO! Nobody sits in the front row during church! You sit in the back! The BACK! He sat in the very front row, in the same row as Pastor Bill. We sat right behind him. He did very well until the singing was over and then he came back with us.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

On Saturday, Josh got to go to Joshy Turnbull's house for the evening. We had a dinner to go to and he has been after us to see him. He had a great time and was very good, until we showed up. Then he got rowdy and didn't want to go home. We're going to have Joshy over to spend the night soon, so hopefully that will help. He enjoys his big school, but I think he misses some of his friend from daycare.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

We had our first Parent-Teacher conference yesterday and all went well. She went over the results of his screening and he scored a 64 out of 86. Which she said is very high for a 4 year old. There were some questions that we felt he answered correctly that she didn't, but we're not going to start that nit picky parent thing yet. The funniest thing was when she asked him what he used his senses for, his answers were great.
Mouth - toothbrush
Eyes - eyedrops
Ears - picking
Nose - picking boogers
Fingers - clipping

We knew exactly where he was getting his answers. Some of them are obvious, but here are the explanations for the others. Shawn puts eyedrops in his eyes every night, Josh witnesses this frequently. I am the culprit for the ears, I cannot stand to have wax hanging out of his ears and I clean them. We also clip his nails quite a bit. We really thought that those were good answers. We also could not stop laughing. He knows the "correct" answers now.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I had another OB appointment yesterday. On our way into the Dr.'s office, I tripped stepping off the curb and after many less than graceful attempts to keep my balance, I fell. During my stumbling, Josh was screaming "Mama" over and over. If it hadn't been that he was so scared, it would have been really sweet that he was so concerned. A couple of women that were leaving the building heard him and looked back at me. I reassured them and Josh that I was OK and I limped into the building. It was more embarrassing than anything else. I was thoroughly checked out by both nurses and the doctor and the baby is fine. My knee, however, hurts like @!#*&!.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

We got to talk to the Meades again last night. Josh really wanted to speak with Elizabeth. They were the cutest! Josh told her that he goes to Big School and asked her if she would sing with him. They sang ABC and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. It's hard for them to hear each other on cell phones, so they kept saying, "What you say?" Josh got tickled at that. It's so hard that they live so far away.

Friday, September 19, 2003

Josh is having a good time at school. He's not a perfect angel I'll be the first to admit. But he's only gotten time-out one time. He knows that if he gets in trouble at school, he gets in trouble at home as well. Time-outs at home involve his room, which for him, is the worst punishment of all. He would rather be spanked I think.

On a sad note, our fish has gone to the big ocean in the sky. Que sera' sera' is what I say about it. It was pretty shocking to go in there and see him limp on the rocks below. And Josh was a little concerned, but not overly so. So there you have it.

Monday, September 15, 2003

I forgot to mention that a week ago Sunday, we got to talk with the Meades...finally! I spoke with Christine for about an hour and also got to talk with Elizabeth. Josh got to talk with both Wil and Elizabeth. He was pretty excited about it, though it was difficult to determine if they were having a back and forth conversation or just telling each other bits and pieces of information. Christine emailed me a picture of Elizabeth talking to me and I printed it off, it's now hanging on Josh's door. He wants one of Wil also. I'll have to see what we can do.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Josh started "Big School" yesterday. Funny enough, his room is in the same room that our church, The Brook used for a nursery when we attended there. He loves it, he went all the way across on the monkey bars and he met a new friend named Matthew. I can't believe that he is so big.

Cute Story
One night last week, Shawn cooked eggs for all of us. Josh said that he would eat them. But when it came time to eat he says, "I do not like them in a box, I do not like them with a fox." It took me a second to catch what he was saying was from "Green Eggs and Ham" then of course, I laughed myself silly.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Josh had a doctor's appointment this week. They checked his iron and he got one shot. This was very bad. He kept saying, "I don't like her. " about the nurse that "poked him". He likes the nurse practitioner that actually does the check up, she pretends to look for Bob the Builder in his ears. His iron is pretty good and he got 2 new Hot Wheels as a consolation.

Monday, August 25, 2003

We went to White Water yesterday. My mom came with us. We had a great time. Josh actually rode one of the "big" rides. It's a ride where 4 people can get into a huge raft and go down a flume-like slide. This is the only one he would ride as it was the only ride apparatus that didn't have a hole in the bottom. He would not sit in an inner tube and ride anything! He spent most of his time playing in the kid area and we had fun.

Josh's latest saying is, "You always....." he'll finish with... "wear that shirt", "read that book" etc, etc. It's pretty funny to hear him say that in an exasperated fashion, even though a lot of the time it's the first incident.

Friday, August 22, 2003

Josh is going to start big boy school this year. We've enrolled him in Pre-K in Tulsa. His age group will be attending in the morning. Something I am not thrilled about. He will have to go to bed earlier and so will I. His school will start at 8:45, but he can get there at 8:15 to eat breakfast. I'm a little worried about this step. It seems so huge! He's excited though and doesn't want to attend "little school" any more.

Monday, August 18, 2003

We've started a sleeping chart for Josh. Since I am not able to take my turn putting him to bed at night, we need something to get him to lie down on his own. He gets a sticker every time he goes to sleep by himself without crying fro Daddy. When he gets five, he gets a surprize. Well, we have a few small gifts that we bought on sale months ago with the intent to give them to him for his birthday. We forgot so we figured we had some built in presents for his surprizes. But, his Daddy brought home a "Caterpillar" catalogue. We're talking the big machines that are used by construction companies. Apparantly, they make smaller toy versions of these, and Josh wants an excavator for his surprize. I'm betting he'll get it too.

Monday, August 11, 2003

Josh and Shawn have a game of identifying cars. Josh enjoys his Hot Wheels and books about cars, so it seems natural to pick them out on the street. Last night, we were coming home from dinner and Josh said, "Look! A new car!" Well, it wasn't really a new one, just new to him. It was a pretty old Cadillac. So Shawn told him, "It's a Cadillac." Which in Josh speak became, "Camerlack"

For his birthday, he got a Bob the Builder Memory game. He is amazing at this game. He beat my brother Scott at it. And he beat his Daddy as well. I've yet to play him since I'm still feeling pretty puny in the evenings (actually, almost all the time). But soon, I hope, I'll be feeling better and I'll try my hand at it. It's pretty funny to watch adults play this game with him, you can see that they are hoping he won't remember a match. He usually does. But when the adult gets a match, Josh cheers for them. He's not as competetive yet. He seems to be playing "for the love of the game"

Friday, August 08, 2003

Two "quotable quotes" from Josh.

He and Grammie were going into a store to get some batteries for his gift from her. She said, "Let's look both ways so we don't get hit by a car, we'll really be in a big pickle then." He said, "Grammie, you be in a pickle, I'll be in a carrot."

He and Shawn were playing ball inside and getting a little crazy. Shawn said, "Mama's going to get me in trouble." "No get him in trouble, he's my boy."

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

We celebrated Josh's birthday on Sunday. We went to Chuck E Cheese. Very fun for everybody. Josh really loves that place, as did the other kids that attended.

Other news, Josh is going to be a big brother in March. I am feeling very bad. Sick all the time. I'm not a very good wife or mother right now. Thankfully, Shawn is helping out a lot. He will deserve some time to himself when this trimester is over.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Shawn and Josh had a good time at Josh's school on Monday. Shawn said that next time, he'll wear earplugs. Those kids have some high-pitched voices. Also, the kids were really showing off for Shawn.

G-pa and Nana came over on Monday evening to give Josh his present. He loved it, army men! He got a pair of camo pants from Shawn's mom and he wants to wear those while playing army men. In fact, he wants to wear those pants every day. I won't let him wear them to school, too hot!

Monday, July 28, 2003

Well, we've got a fish! Grannie-Nanny came over on Saturday to visit for awhile and Josh was showing her his fish books and talking about the fish store. So, we have a blue Betta fish named Dory. I'm not sure how this is going to go, but Josh is thrilled with it. He tells it good night and good morning and everything.

Shawn is at school with him today. It's Josh's birthday and they are going to have pizza and play. I called to check on them and they are doing well. I'm sure I'll have more stories later.

Friday, July 25, 2003

Josh and I went to 2 pet stores yesterday to look at Nemo fish. I'm guessing that this is a popular activity as there were other kids there as well. Josh wants to go back, I can't stay there forever. Those places are a little stinky. He had a good time though, I'm glad.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Last evening, we went to a DCI contest. For those of you who don't know, that means "Drum Corps International". Eight Corps were competing at BA High School. We took Josh to "Blast" last year and it was such a big hit, we took him here. It was pretty good. Of course, the corps that played "Malaguena" got Josh's vote for first place, even though they came in second. He enjoyed it. He was getting a little tired at the end and fell asleep in the van. In fact he told me, "Mama, I'm going to sleep in the van."

Monday, July 21, 2003

Josh and Connor play together so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went to the Touchets' on Friday night to spend some time with them and Sean Meade before he left for North Carolina. Those boys played and played so nicely! There was no calling for Mamas or taking anything away from each other or anything. I was thrilled. We didn't leave until late, I think both families were loathe to stop such nice playing.

On Sunday afternoon, we went to Big Splash to play a little bit. Shawn got to go with us this time. We didn't stay very long. Just a couple of hours, until they closed. The big news is this...Josh swam! Of course, he was wearing a life jacket. He was able to move himself around pretty good though. We are very proud of him.

Monday, July 14, 2003

We had a very tiring weekend! Josh did not cooperate very well. Friday night, he woke up screaming about a fish toy and came to sleep with us at about 2:00 am. I think we made a mistake by telling him that he had a bad dream, so he was afraid of his room all weekend long. We did have a good time on Saturday with Sean Meade. We went out to eat and to an arena football game. I've been talking to other people with small children and this weekend was challenging for them as well. Maybe it was the full moon....

Friday, July 11, 2003

Last night, we attended "Member Appreciation Night" at the zoo. We had a pretty good time, although it was HOT! Shawn wasn't able to go, so it was just Josh and me. I wasn't sure how things were going to go. We had a hard time getting started. We tried to go "Behind the Scenes" at the shark tank. The line was too long and that didn't fly. We headed for the giraffe enclosure and that was OK. Then we came across a porcupine that we could get really close to. That turned the tide. We went to the reptile area and petted a snake and a turtle. Josh wasn't sure about the snake, but I touched it first, so he knew it was OK. We also saw the kangaroos up close and took some pictures of the peacock showing off his plumage. That was amazing! Over all, it was a really great time.

Monday, July 07, 2003

Yesterday was laundry day. I was heading toward Josh's room to put up some of his underwear. "Mama, that my underwear?" "Yes.", "Thank you for cleaning it!" It really took me by surprise as he's never thanked me for anything like that before.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Last night Josh and I made Mrs. Ferguson's Brown Sugar Cookies. We worked so hard on these all evening long. Then it was finally time to try one. Josh picked the biggest one, took one bite and says, "I don't like this!" Are you kidding me? He doesn't like cake though, and these are kind of like little frosted cakes. Except they aren't as sweet. Oh well, he'll grow into it.

Monday, June 30, 2003

Some vocabulary words:
Doornog-Door Knob
Eyegrouse-Eye Brows
MirshKirteen- Ms. Christine
Hold You-Hold Me

Just in case you should ever need to know.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Josh has added a book to his Christmas list. I asked him which book and he says "A Thomas the Tank Engine book." We are going to go see Santa Claus tomorrow at the mall. I hope everything goes well. He has been singing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and he is very afraid of Santa learning that he hasn't listened. So he is trying very hard to "isten to Mama".

We have caught the night time wandering syndrome. Lately, Josh will wake up at about 3:00 am to come in our bed. Last night, it was all night, I got zero sleep. I am crabby.

Monday, June 23, 2003

Well, he's well. Josh was able to back to school 10:30. We needed to get a doctor's note that he was better and the doctor didn't get in until 10:00 and they didn't get the note faxed to me until 10:20. But Josh was excited as he went into his class. All the kids yelled "Josh!" and he was overwhelmed. He was very smiley and couldn't decide where to sit. I hope he gets to go outside because that's what he really wants to do.

Friday, June 20, 2003

This has been the week of never ending problems. First, the Meades have moved. I will get to see Christine on Thursday and maybe Sean in July, but I won't see the twins for awhile. Then Josh has been sick. I called the doctor about his 5 day poop problem (too much) and they wanted to see him. So, 2 days and a disgusting stool sample later.....he has shigella. A bacteria similar to salmonella. He got it from another kid at school who contracted it during a family reunion. You know those gatherings where food sits out uncovered for about a week while people keep grazing on it? So Josh gets put on an antibiotic. Then the doctor calls and that drug is not very effective in treating it. So they put him on Cipro, the antibiotic that will kill Anthrax. Then she calls today and thinks that Cipro is too much for him. And we're off of it. He only took one dose and I think I agree with this decision. He is not dehydrated or vomiting or anything. So he's on extra yogurt with rhino acidophilis + FOS. The good bacteria in our system. Whatever. He's getting better. Now I'm at work and it's a relief. Josh and I have had a good week though. We went to see Finding Nemo again and have played many fun games. He's a sweet little man.

Friday, June 13, 2003

Wednesday night, we went over to the Touchets' for dinner. Kind of a good-bye dinner for the Meades. It was a lot of fun. The kids played and played and played. They didn't even eat much, they were too busy playing. Elizabeth "helped" me stir up the home made ice cream and Josh, Wil and Connor kept busy running in and out of the house. We help the Meades load up tomorrow. I can't believe that D-day is here. I'm not exactly ready for it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

This is not actually a Josh post, but still noteworthy. I have several collectible Barbie dolls. Christine was also an avid fan growing up and Elizabeth can't wait for her first one. So I invited them over to look at them. I'd forgotten what I had. It was a lot of fun and Elizabeth got to borrow one for the day. If it was up to me, she could keep it. But her Daddy wants her to wait until she is six. And I bet her Momma wants to be the one to give her the first one.

Monday, June 09, 2003

On Thursday, we went to the zoo with the Meades and the Moores (minus all the husbands). We had a great time. It was a nice cool day and all the animals were very active. Josh was so good and was worn out by that evening.

We went to see "Finding Nemo" on Sunday afternoon. What a great movie! Josh sat still and quiet through out the entire film. He loved it! Then we went to the Meades' house to pick up their swingset as they are moving. The kids played pretty well together most of the time. I'm really going to miss them.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

On Saturday, Josh and I watched "The Phantom Menace" together. He wanted me to be Qui-Gon and act out all the lightsaber fight scenes with him. It's pretty fun to do and right up my alley. The funny thing was that part of his Obi-wan costume was a string of Mardi Gras beads hung over his left ear to simulate Obi-wan's Padawan braid.

Monday, June 02, 2003

We attended a party at Chuck E Cheese on Thursday. That place is crazy! It was a good crazy though, there is nothing that the kids can really break and it's supposed to be loud. It was! Josh loved it. He is ready to go back. Maybe for his birthday.

We also had Wil's party on Thursday. Of course Christine did a great job. The boys were dressed as Mr. Nezzer's junior executives, complete with hat and tie. It was very fun. The great thing about their move is that I can steal her party ideas and use them here and no one will know.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Josh got to spend some time with Daddy on Monday. I went in to work and Shawn needed to make T-shirts, so Josh went with Daddy. He was a big helper. He got them out of the box after they came out of the oven. He was telling me this on the phone on our way home. I called Shawn to see where they were on MY way home. He talked so much on the phone it was really cute. He's going through this stage where he kind of stutters, "And And And And....I got the shirts out of the box when they fall in in in in....the oven." He knows so many words, but can't think of the exact one he wants some times.

On Friday night, I was gone to Christine's and Shawn and Josh were alone (Sounds like I leave them a lot, not true) they played a game before bed that was really fun. In the movie "The Aristcats" there is a song called "Everybody wants to be a cat" it's a fun jazzy song. Josh and Shawn were adding different words in place of cat i.e. "Everybody wants to be a blanket" They demonstrated this game the next morning for me. It's pretty funny, because in earlier months, Josh would just repeat what we said on games like this, but now, he's thinking of his own.

Friday, May 23, 2003

Our pictures turned out well! We went to the mall with the Meades to get the kids' pictures taken together. The photographer was on the ball and got a few good shots, we chose the best pose of the three and I am very pleased with it. We also ate at Chick-fil-a and visited the Disney Store and had some ice cream. I'm really enjoying the time the kids are spending together and am not looking forward to June 9 (Moving Day).

Josh ate rice last night! This is a huge milestone. I'm not sure what prompted him to eat it. Maybe because he watched me prepare dinner and I showed him everything that I put in it. Something that would not have worked for me as a child. It could also be that he is eating a lot lately. Growth spurt? Who knows?

Monday, May 19, 2003

Saturday evening we spent some time with the Meades (3 out of 4, Sean wasn't there most of the evening). We really had a good time. I'm not sure why the women don't get as excited about Josh and Wil's altercations as the men do. I guess we realize that this is a part of young children playing together. I personally think that everything went well. What made me sad though, is that when we were leaving Wil was upset. Josh said, "I'll be back again later Wil." Which is true, but they are moving soon and we are down to a limited number of "I'll be back" (insert Arnold impersonation here). Boo-Hoo.

Friday, May 16, 2003

We had a day yesterday like a dream. It was a day like you fantasize about when you find out that you are expecting a baby. We went to the park to feed the squirrels. It doesn't sound all that exciting I know, but it was great. We brought a jar of lightly salted peanuts (not too much sodium for those little rodents) and sat down on the grass. I tossed a few nuts on the ground about 2 or 3 feet away from us and the squirrels just started swarming to us. At one point we had 11 squirrels all around us no more than 3 feet away. One even took a nut from the palm of my hand. Josh was so quiet and gentle. He didn't make too much noise to frighten them. We shared with any other kid (about 4) that came to the park while we were there. When we were ready to leave, Josh said, "Bye squirrels, go back home to you famly!" It was so sweet.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

We spent some good time with my uncle this week. He was up to get the rest of my Memaw's belongings. We went out to dinner and had some good talks. Josh on the other hand, was just excited that "Uncle Johnny built a fork!". Which translates to "Uncle Johnny built a fort!"

Monday, May 12, 2003

Last night, we painted Josh's finger and toe nails. He wanted them painted and I couldn't think of a real good reason why he couldn't, especially since my toe nails are painted. So his finger nails are yellow (it doesn't show up real well) and his toe nails are light pink. Very pretty. In fact he will tell people, "My finger nails are pretty."

Happy Mother's Day! I had a pretty good one. Josh gave me a really cute card and.......CHIPS! Yes, chips. The story behind it is this, Shawn took Josh shopping on Wednesday and they both picked out cards. They were still on the card aisle and Shawn asked Josh what he wanted to get me for Mother's Day, Josh said, "Chips" At first Shawn thought about discouraging him, but then thought that he should let Josh get what he wanted. So they went to the chip aisle and Shawn asked him what kind he wanted to get and Josh picked the purple ones. Which are sweet mesquite BBQ Pringles. No one else in the world got chips for Mother's Day I bet.

Monday, May 05, 2003

Yesterday was hot! Our a/c is out right now and we had all the fans on and windows open. The coolest place was our bedroom, so I spent some time in there. Josh followed me in and got on the bed for awhile, he doesn't feel the heat like we do. Anyway, we were talking and he told me that "The puppies rolled in the soot and now they are labradogs." In case you don't get it, that's from 101 Dalmations. He also told me, "I can say the words, Pongo and Perdita." I tried to tell him that it's labraDORS. Nope, labradogs.

Spider-man came on HBO on Saturday and we stayed up to watch it, Josh still says "Green Globbin" I hope that one lasts awhile.

Friday, May 02, 2003

Josh wanted to sing the "Bernana song" last night. We finally figured out what he was talking about when he said, "Let's try Mama!" OH, 'The Name Game'. He was also a Mama's boy last night, it's fun but sometimes it's annoying. He would not stop following me. Finally, we ended up in our bed reading books together. Of course I didn't get much reading done with "Mama look at this!" every five seconds. And he has the dirtiest hair in Tulsa today since last night in the bath, he saw a spider. We thought he was dying or something. He started screaming and Shawn ran in there and he was climbing out of the tub. "Spider! Spider!" Shawn couldn't calm him down enough to find the spider. Finally, I spotted it on the spigot and it was a good size spider. Shawn killed it but nothing could induce Josh to get back in the tub to wash his hair. Which is not a favorite activity anyway.

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

We are on a 101 Dalmations kick lately. For about a month, this book was all that Josh wanted to read at night. We borrowed the movie from the Meades and Josh loves it. I guess I need to try and find a copy online. They shouldn't be too expensive.

Last night, Shawn started singing "The Name Game" with Josh i.e. Joshy, Joshy Bo Boshy, etc. They went through about everyone we know. Try doing Elizabeth or Suzanne, not easy.

Monday, April 28, 2003

Lots to report! My friend Suzanne had a baby! I got to witness her birth, it was amazing! Their new baby girl is named Sara Elizabeth Moore and she's a sweetie. We went over last night to see her and Josh held her. "She is so 'ittle and she is heavy." he says.

Wil came over to play on Saturday morning and he and Josh did really well together. Josh wanted him to come back on Sunday to play water guns with him. He kept saying, "Wil is coming over to play water with me." Then he wanted to call him last night at about 9:30. Sometimes Wil is awake then, so we gave it a shot. No luck, but he talked to Christine for a few minutes.

When it was almost time for bed, Josh was building me a surprise out of blocks. He yelled at me when it was done and I came and looked. Then we started getting him ready for bed and he told me, "I am the Suprise Man. Suprise Man don't go to bed!"

Here is Josh's rendition of "Jesus Loves Me"
Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bibles tells me sho, 'Ittle ones to him belong, they are weak but He is straw, yeah, Jesus loves me, Yeah Jesus loves me, Yeah Jesus loves me, for the bibles tells me sho. He sang it for Baby Sara last night, he wouldn;t sing it for Suzanne, but when she asked him to sing for the baby, he did. Very cute.

Monday, April 21, 2003

Happy Easter everyone! We had a busy Easter weekend. Saturday morning, we went to the church egg hunt. It rained so we had it inside, which wasn't as exciting as outside, but it was still fun. Elizabeth wanted the pink eggs, so when she and Josh found one together, Josh gave it to her. Chivalry at its finest! Saturday afternoon, we attended a birthday party. We barely missed the tornadic weather that hit that part of town.

Sunday morning, we went to church and decided to go to eat with the Meades. Well, the place where we wanted to eat was closed (we didn't call ahead to check) so we ended up grilling burgers at our house. I personally think that turned out better. The kids got to play more and the adults also played "Boggle". At the end of the visit, Josh and Wil started melting down. It's kind of funny because they need a break from each other, but they don't want to take one. After the Meades left, Josh couldn't find Wil and went into hysterics, "I want Wil! Where's Wil! I need to say bye to Wil!" very sad. But then he realized that G-pa was there and they played ball. We had a really great day yesterday. I am dubbing it "The Meade Linfoot Easter Celebration", Motto "Christine got 'Patina'!"

Friday, April 18, 2003

Aidan and Suzanne came over yesterday afternoon to play for awhile. The boys are doing very well together. We played outside for a bit, it was a nice day. Josh and Aidan played "chase". Josh has been doing better lately at making through a whole day without any major episodes. The late evenings are something else entirely. But yesterday, he and I had a good time together. Then he went to the store with Shawn and did great there too. I hesitate to say that he's growing out of his stubborn stage, but things are more easily controlled now.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Last night, Josh told Shawn, "Could I get a pencil to buy an 'A'?" I'm pretty sure he meant "write" an A, but some times we watch "Wheel of Fortune" and they buy A's all the naturally A's must be purchased.

I forgot to mention that when Josh got back from G-pa's house, he was very excited to see Marcus. "Hi, Marcus, you flop for me. I love you." Flopping means when a cat lays down at your feet to be petted. Marcus only does this for people he likes. He has gotten very used to Josh. I believe that they are pretty good friends.

Monday, April 14, 2003

Josh stayed all night with G-pa and everything went well. I think that they both really enjoyed themselves. Josh talked about sitting on the porch and helping smash cans and watching movies. He's a real sweet boy.

Josh and Daddy did a lot of playing outside this weekend. Josh helped Daddy spray weeds and they played "Kick" which is like soccer to the layman. I also took pictures of them with Mr. Potato Head parts in their mouths. Josh even had the mustache on.

Friday, April 11, 2003

Josh and I went to the playground with "Aunt Shuzanne and Baby Aidan" yesterday. Josh is not shy, he goes up to anyone, old or young and shows them his shoes or tells them "I did this all by myself, I bigger now" etc. Shawn thinks he is going to be a politician, heaven forbid!

Josh is going to spend the night with G-pa tonight. He's excited about it (so are we). I hope he does well at bedtime.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Josh is so sweet. I haven't been feeling well and I told him last night that I was going to lie down for awhile on the couch. "Why, are you slick?" he asked. "Yes, I think so." He climbed up by me and kissed my forehead. "That will make you feel better." It did too.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Another great weekend! My mom and I went out Friday night, so Josh and Shawn spent some time together. Shawn said that they went to McDonald's. Josh ate all his chicken nuggets and told Shawn, "Daddy, I be right back." "Where are you going?" "To get more food." "Wait, you'll need money." So Shawn gave him a dollar and a dime. Josh went up to the counter and Shawn kind of waved to get the lady's attention. "What can I get you?" Josh shoved the money at her. Shawn told him that he had to tell her what he wanted. "Chicken." he whispered. All told, he ate 8 nuggets. Shawn seems to get the best stories.

Friday, April 04, 2003

I forgot to mention that when Josh saw my painted toes he exclaimed, "Mama, you got new toes!"

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Suzanne and I spent some quality time together yesterday. We drove to Owasso to get a pedicure. We also had lunch. Then we went to pick up Aidan from Mother's Day Out. He was so cute! Suzanne sometimes doesn't like to go right home after she picks him up, so we went to Target. I needed a few things anyway. But I also gave in to the temptation to buy Aidan something. So we picked out a Bob the Builder towel. He hugged it to him and kept saying, "Bobabiller, Bobabiller" over and over. I hope he enjoys it, because I sure had fun.

Monday, March 31, 2003

We had a great time yesterday at church and then last night at church! Josh and the Meade twins have not seen each other in quite awhile. So they were thrilled to see each other. Redeemer gave Sean a reception yesterday after church, cookies, punch, etc. and Josh and Wil had a great time. Christine was wanting a picture of our family for her scrapbook and the boys didn't want to stop playing Buzz Lightyear long enough for Josh to take one. So, Wil got in the picture with us. Then, sadly it was time to go. Wil wanted to "go home with Dosh". We (Christine) convinced him that we were going to see each other later that day and have ice cream. Instead, we all ended up going out to eat together. We sat off by ourselves, so the kids sat together and the adults got to have our own table! Yippee!

On a sadder note, my team lost yesterday. But now at least I can relax and enjoy the rest of the tournament without worrying what will be best for OU.

Friday, March 28, 2003

Josh and I had a really good day yesterday. We did some driving and he was very patient during that, he watched "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command". I got to enjoy the laser sound effects from the front seat. Then, when we were almost done, he falls asleep. One minute he is messing with his seat and whining about something, and then I turn around to check on him, and he's out. We went to the mall to eat dinner and have some ice cream. We had Dairy Queen cones. Josh got his very own ice cream cone. He looks great with vanilla on his nose. We also got him some shoes. He got a pair of tennis shoes, with velcro lacings, and sandals. He's not thrilled with the sandals now, but if it's anything like last summer, he'll like them later. He loves his tennis shoes though. He can put them on by himself and "get the rocks out like Joshy Turnbull" I can only guess what that means.

Monday, March 24, 2003

Josh loves "It's Still Rock-n-Roll to Me" by Billy Joel, aka "RocknRoll Song". He wants to listen to it over and over again. He only knows a few of the words, but what he knows, he belts out. This song has temporarily replaced "Holdyouhand song". He'll tell me, "This is Billy Joe, holdyouhand song is The Beatles".

Josh got to spend some time on Saturday with G-pa and Nana, he was so excited to see them that he just kept laughing. It was like he didn't know what to do first. He brought all THREE of his lightsabers over so he showed them those. They all played lightsabers together. He now has a blue one, so he gets to be Obi-Wan. I'm tired of being "Jedi", no name or anything, just Jedi.

Friday, March 21, 2003

Where to start? I haven't been on as much, but I hope to get better. Last night, Josh talked to G-pa for the first time since they've been away. They are home now, so Josh gets on the phone and he says, "Sorry I broke you choo choo train movie." Then I hear, "Zarizona? What you do that for in Zarizona?" Then, he gives me the phone. I gave it to Shawn and Shawn had to translate that Josh broke a movie and we fixed it and we hope it works. Then Josh wanted to talk a minute more. He got on the phone and said, "I miss you, G-pa" Shawn talked some more to verify that we didn't put him up to that and G-pa said "He really knows how to kill a guy."

Josh has been into Scooby Doo lately. He has a couple of movies and he really likes them. But they get a little intense and he wants me there to watch with him. I enjoy Scooby Doo, so it's OK. Better than "The Wiggles".

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Last night, Shawn and Josh were playing lightsabers. It was pretty fun to watch. Josh came over and told me to say "On your mark, get set, go". When I said "on your mark" he whipped open his lightsaber so seriously like he was duelling with Darth Maul. Then of course, things got out of hand and Josh got whacked on the head. Typical.

Monday, March 10, 2003

I've had a lot of alone time with Josh this weekend. Most of it was fun, some of it was not. The things that I would like him to do for hours (play quietly by himself with his trains or blocks) he won't do. The things he'll do for hours, I don't want to do, like play swords or lightsabers or chase him. I like to play for awhile, but he could play all day.

He has begun to like "Lord of the Rings" he especially enjoys Frodo. He'll say, "Frodo, mama, he has feet! That's funny!" Hobbits have big hairy feet, for those of you that don't know. He also enjoys Legolas and his amazing proficiency with the bow. I don't think he likes him as much as his mama does though.

Friday, March 07, 2003

It's been awhile, I don't have the access to a fast computer like I once did. Anyway, last weekend, March 2, we went to the city to see Elton John and Billy Joel in concert. It was fantastic! Josh stayed with Grammie while we were gone. He had a good time as Grammie spoiled him. She bought his favorite snacks and let him play on the computer. He got to watch his videos and eat Skittles. We didn't get home until 2:00 am!

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

I have given my child one of the greatest gifts ever, the love for the Beatles! We sing "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" to school and we sing it from school. Sometimes Josh will reach out and take my hand, while singing...."and when I touch you I feel happy, inside."

Monday, February 24, 2003

On Friday night, we invited Suzanne and Aidan to dinner with us. They are feeling a little lonely since Kevin is in Switzerland. After dinner, they came back to play for a little while. I don't think Josh is ready for a little brother. He loves "Baby Aidan", but he wants him to obey him. Not gonna do it. After they left, Josh talked about the evening like he was so glad Aidan came over.

Friday, February 21, 2003

Yesterday, Josh and I played hide and seek. We took turns hiding and seeking. First, I went to the living room and counted to 5. I yelled "Here I come!" and went back in the bedroom. Josh doesn't get the point of hiding since as soon as I walked in, he began giggling from under the covers of our bed. Then it was my turn, I chose to actually hide. If he didn't find me in a few seconds, I would make a "Psst" sound to give him a hint. When it was Josh's turn again, I found him under the covers...again. We each hid about 6 times and every time Josh's hiding place was under our covers.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

On Saturday, Josh and I ran to the bank and to the store. On our way, we saw the war protestors. I guess I made a sound and Josh says....
"Mama, what you say?"
Me: "Those people are getting in the street to demonstrate their beliefs."
Josh: "In the street? Make you upset?"
Me: "Yes, that and the fact that they aren't supporting our President."
Josh:"Of the United States?"
Me: "Yes, I don't always agree with the President, but I support him."
Then we reached the bank, did our business and were coming back past the demonstrators.
Josh: "Those kids still make you upset?"
Me: "A little, but that's what makes our country great."
Josh: "America?"
Me: "Yes, everyone has the right to believe what they want and peacefully demonstrate in support or protest."
Josh: "Look, Scoops!"

We've had a busy few days. We've visited Grannie Nanny at Ethan's house, Mama went to a scrapbook night (Yippee!), and last night Aidan came over to play. Shawn offered to watch him so that Suzanne and I could go to see "Miss Saigon". It was so much fun. Shawn said that they played very well together. Josh seems to understand (sort of) that Aidan is a little bit smaller than he is and he should be nice and help him. There's only so much a 3 1/2 year old can take though. Josh built a tower of blocks for me to see when I came home last night. First Marcus (the cat) knocked it over, and then Aidan knocked it over. Josh built it again, but this time it was a robot.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Josh has had two great nights in a row in his room. We still lie down with him until he falls asleep. But, the last two mornings, Shawn has kissed him goodbye while he was in his own bed, not ours. Actually this morning, Shawn woke him up and took him to school. This makes me very happy, I like being able to get ready by myself in the morning. It enables me to get to work earlier.

Last night, Shawn had a meeting, so it was the two of us for dinner. I had planned on making spaghetti, which Josh usually loves. I asked him if he wanted noodles for dinner, "No thank you." he says so sweetly. So we had pizza. Then at 10:00, he decides he wants to eat. I'm on the phone, so I tell him to ask Daddy. He brings Shawn a can of TUNA, and wants to eat it. Shawn asked him in various ways if he was sure that he wanted tuna fish for a snack. Yes, he does. So he opened it and Josh ate about 3 bites, so maybe he does like tuna. I, however, do not.

Monday, February 10, 2003

We had a pretty good weekend. On Friday, a church in our area was holding a Parents' Night Out free childcare thing. So we took Josh to that so we could spend some time with friends. They said Josh was so good and very polite, etc, etc.

Saturday, Shawn spent some time with Sean Meade, so Josh and I were hanging out. Josh was kind of a Daddy's boy this weekend, so he was wanting to be with Daddy. But, Joshua Turnbull came over to visit for a few minutes and Josh was estatic about it. By the way, Joshua Turnbull's mother tied for Best in Show in a photograph contest where she imposed a picture of the Josh's hugging in front of a fire truck. It's in the gallery at Apertures if anyone wants to go see it. It's titled "Future Heroes". Great huh?!

Sunday, we watched Aidan for a couple of hours so Suzanne and Kevin could go eat by themselves. Aidan was so good, he and Josh watched movies and played with trains. Aidan loves Bob the Builder also.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Still no spots for Josh. Yippee

My son sleeps with a bag of socks. I'm serious and yes they are clean. He got some of those Jersey sheets for his birthday and for some reason, all of those types of sheets are sold in a drawstring bag. Why? Ask Martha. Anyway, Josh has put all of his socks from his drawer in this bag, with a beanie baby kitten and carries it around with him. At bedtime, he either uses it as a pillow or gathers it up like a stuffed animal. It's a little odd.

Friday, January 31, 2003

Josh told me yesterday that when he got bigger, he wanted to be a mama. I asked him if he wanted to be a daddy. He said, "No, I be a mama like you." I'm going to take this in the best possible way, that I'm doing a good job. Although, I'm not sure that this kind of compliment is a concept he understands yet.

We spent a few minutes with 3 of the Meades yesterday afternoon (Wil was napping) they are heading out of town and I wanted to see them. As we were leaving, Elizabeth kept hugging Josh, it was pretty sweet.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Josh and Shawn watched the end of the President's address last night. I chose to watch a very interesting program on urban legends revealed. Anyway, Shawn told Josh that the man talking is the President of the United States. Josh says, "present of the Nited States of Merica." Shawn says, "Would you like to be the president someday?" "No." "Why" "Too scary" "Why is it too scary?" "Too many peoples." We think he meant Congress and all the people Bush was standing in front of. Of course this statement works on many levels.

We found out that there has been a chicken pox outbreak at Josh's school AND in his class. So far, no spots. I'm afraid that it's only a matter of time.

Monday, January 27, 2003

We went over to the Moores' on Saturday night to play my new Lord of the Rings game. I love this game! Josh did really well. We gave him the extra piece and let him roll when we had to roll. He had a great time. We played it again on Sunday afternoon. We actually gave him cards and everything this time. He lasted almost the entire game and then he wanted to watch "Wiggles" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

We had a babysitter on Sunday evening so that we could go to a Superbowl party. Josh did great! He's still talking about how Megan read him books and played Twister with him. Megan's words were "He was very good, we played Twister but we spent more time getting it out and putting it up than actually playing." Sounds about right.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Shawn is out of town this week, so for the third time this month, Josh and I are alone. He's pretty good most of the time. I think he knows that he has my undivided attention. Plus, he gets to sleep in our bed with me. He'll probably start getting cranky on the day Shawn is supposed to come back.

Monday, January 20, 2003

An interesting weekend! First, we had a birthday party for Emily on Saturday. Josh did not get enough sleep, so he was crabby. Then on Sunday, we went down to Gramps and Grandma's house on the farm. It's a gen-yoo-wine cow farm! Josh got to feed the cows and play on the tractor. It was big stuff. But again, not enough sleep and he got crabby by the end of the day. He just won't behave when he's tired.

Friday, January 17, 2003

One more event of note: Last night, Shawn wasn't home and it was time for bed. I went to get ready and I asked Josh to get me a pull up. He says OK and I hear a lot of noise. As I finish my administrations, he walks in with a smile that could be seen from space! He had taken off his underwear and put his pull up on all by himself. Not only that, but he put his pajama bottoms on as well. Granted they were inside out and backward, but it's the achievement that matters. He kept hugging me over and over. "Mama, I put my legs in the air and raise my hiney and my pants go on. I do good job?" "You did a great job! Are you so proud of yourself?" "Yes. I is." What a moment!

I forgot to post some cute stuff about Sunday. It was Shawn's birthday and he was out of town. So ater church, Josh and I went to the store to get a cake mix to make. Josh was adamant about making Shawn a Batman cake. Josh doesn't even like Batman, he's into Spider-man, but anyway....There was no Batman decorations available, or Spider man. We had a choice between Barbie (Cue) and Bugs Bunny. We went with Bugs. Josh helped me put the letters and stars on the cake. He also helped with the candles. When Shawn came home, Josh says, "Come here, I have to show you somesing." He led him to our glorious creation. We lit the candles and sang Happy Birthday to Daddy.

Josh was sick this week, so he stayed home from school. I really miss being with him everyday. We had some great talks. One in particular was very funny. It went something like this.....
Josh: We have to get a baby brother.
Me: Where do we get a baby brother.
Josh: We have to feed him, and change his diaper and put him to sleep.
Me: Yes, but where do we GET a baby brother?
Josh: Miss Christine will get me a baby brother.
Me: (laughing)How will Miss Christine get you a Baby Brother?
Josh: She has a new house!

Monday, January 13, 2003

What is the deal with 3 year olds and potty words? Josh was playing with his trains this weekend and they didn't do what he wanted and he yelled, "Pee!" at them. Shawn was telling me that a few weeks ago they were playing ball, and Josh missed it and called it Pee and Poop. I'm not sure whether or not to get upset or what. Part of me thinks that if we make a big deal out of it, he'll do it more. Whatever.

Friday, January 10, 2003

Josh woke up again last night screaming about Spider webs. He was in our bed and wanted to go to his room to get away from the spider webs. I'm not sure what this is all about, people aren't very rational at 3:00 am.

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Josh is remembering stuff a little better lately. He's always had quite a memory for certain things, like where his toys are and his friend's names and incidents that happened a long time ago and we can't imagine what sparked the memory. But now he's remembering who got him what for Christmas and what he got other people. He'll point to his train cars and say, "Elizabeth (which actually means Wil and Elizabeth, when he's talking fast he'll only say one although why he says the longest name, I don't know) got me my Gordon, Suzshanne (Suzanne) got me my purple one, Grammie got my James, Stacey got my Bob the Builder" etc. It's fun to watch.

Monday, January 06, 2003

Josh woke me up this morning and told me, "I want to go to the iving oom (living room) and watch TB (TV), you can lay on the couch. I will get you pillow and you cobers (covers) and you book. Come on sweetheart." Very cute.

Daddy came home yesterday afternoon and brought Josh a new Bob the Builder book. It has window clings in it. Josh loved it!

I caved in and got Josh a Wiggles video which he enjoys. He has a bit of a temper at times and will tell us, "I not you friend". Yesterday though, he said that and then he says, "I you friend, you got me Wiggles." Sheesh!

Friday, January 03, 2003

Shawn is going out of town this weekend for a couple of days, so he wanted Josh to sleep with us last night. An interesting thing happened. We were lying in bed and had finished reading books and Josh announced that he wanted to sleep in his bed. We asked him several times and in several different ways to make sure that he was serious. He was and he slept in his bed. Of course, I woke up at 5:00 with a child attached to my body, so it didn't last all night.

I asked Josh last evening what he wanted to do this weekend since Daddy was going to be gone. "I want to see the fishes and the dolphins and Shamu. Dolphins are white and Shamu is black and white. And I will drive the van and watch my new Wiggles." He has a big vocabulary lately and will tell us a lot of extra stuff when he answers our questions.
