Friday, April 26, 2002
12:35 PM
by Kathy
Several things today...
Wednesday night - We were reading a book with pictures of animals in it and Josh pretended to take the animals off the page and hug them. He also still has a thing with wipey refill packages. He calls them "baby ipees".
Thursday - We went to the playground and he was playing on the slide. He yells to me "Mama, I find first coo!" he found the first clue, from Blue's Clues. That one really cracked me up. He's also into the movie "Dumbo" now. He calls it "Efant". At the end, when Dumbo flies, Timothy says "We did it!" Josh comes running out of the room and yells, "Mama, efant, train, fwy, we did it!" And runs out. He gets really excited.
Wednesday, April 24, 2002
12:11 PM
by Kathy
I picked Josh up from school yesterday and they told me he had bitten two kids. Yikes! I really thought I was going to miss this fun stage. No such luck.
We've gone to the elementary school playground the past two days, he brings his bucket and shovel and fills, empties, and refills his bucket with rocks. I take a book and we sit and do our thing. It's some nice fairly quiet time that we enjoy.
Monday, April 22, 2002
8:10 AM
by Kathy
We spent the weekend at Lake Eufaula. We had a pretty good time. We went swimming. Josh sat on the ladder. He only got in once and fell in once. He was reaching for a toy and fell in the water. Of course Shawn and I were right there to get him, but it scared him (and us) a little bit. He didn't want to get in the water after that. He kept wanting to "pay games", play games. He wasn't really playing them, he was just moving the joystick whenever the demo came on. But it did keep him entertained.
After a shower, we let him stay naked for a little bit. He kept shaking his hiney at us. How could we not laugh! It was a lot of fun.
Last night after we got home, Josh was playing with some extra greeting cards that I have. He was telling me that they were "for you Mama" I'd open them up and he'd say "pesents (presents), say to eat jelly beans?" He was trying to tell me (I think) that I got jelly beans for a present and that we should eat some. I guess it was worth a try.
Friday, April 19, 2002
9:33 AM
by Kathy
I posted something on Wednesday and forgot to click Publish, Oopsie! There hasn't been anything really newsworthy happen lately except for a few "Allies" (Owies). He seemd to be a little accident prone the last few days. He rarely lets a boo-boo slow him down, though he'll tell you about each one as if it happened a few seconds ago. I do think that one of them was a paper cut on his foot. He told me he had an owie and he was puting his feet on a video box a few moments before that. THAT one slowed him down awhile.
He was extremely snuggly this morning before school. Then when we got to school, he went up and tried to take a truck from another little boy. I got onto him and he freaked out! I stayed a few minutes to calm him down and find him something else to hold. What a mess!
Monday, April 15, 2002
9:17 AM
by Kathy
There is a lot to tell today.
Friday - Josh and I went over to babysit the Meade twins. Everyone played very well together and I had no problems with anyone, so great! Shawn came and picked Josh up at about 9:00 pm after I had given everyone a bath. Again, no problems but I wouldn't want to do it everyday. After they left, Wil says, "I need my Josh!" The kids stayed up until Christine got home and they did not whine or anything. When Christine got home, all of a sudden they were tired. It kicked in instantaneously. Crazy!
Saturday - We went out to eat and were going to go shopping, but on the way Josh spotted some flowers. We pulled over at the nursery and let him out to "Mell the fowyers" Then we went shopping. We ran into Garrett again. Later in the evening, we saw a whale on TV. We told Josh that we were going to see the whales on our trip. Josh says "Marching band?" We will be seeing the show Blast! in May. "Yes, baby, after the marching band, we are going on a trip and we'll see whales." Then he gets on my cell phone and starts talking. "Heyo, I Josh, marching band." We asked who he was talking to. "Whale" he says. Shawn asked what the whale's name was. "Poo-peet" WHAT?!!? Then he pretend talked to Grammie and Elizabeth.
Sunday - We went to church. After church, we went to pick Josh up at Sunday School. He wanted to go into the sanctuary. He went and sat down on a pew and reached for a hymnal. We could see him mouthing something about Jesus. It was so cute. Later he helped Daddy mow the backyard. He had his little mower and was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. When he came in, he was not wearing his shirt. When Shawn took his shirt off, so did Josh.
Friday, April 12, 2002
7:27 AM
by Kathy
Wednesday after school, Josh and I walked down to the school play ground. Josh's G-pa and Nana took him down the evening before. Since it was nice outside, I wanted to take him again. He didn't want to ride in the stroller, so we actually walked! It took us awhile to get there, but he loves playing. We ran into one of Josh's school friends and Josh played so well with him.
Last evening, we walked to the Meade's house to meet Wil, Elizabeth and "Mama Meade". We walked to the frozen custard stand to have a treat. Elizabeth rode in the stroller and Josh and Wil pushed for a little bit. Then they held hands and walked a (very) few steps in front of us. It was so cute! After we got back to the Meade's house, the kids played outside for a little while. When we went inside, Josh wanted to play with one of Wil's toys. Wil was not real thrilled. We were only going to be there a few more minutes. Wil's mama told WIl that he could share for a little bit (it is a COOL toy) and then Josh would be going home and the toy would stay with Wil (or something like that). Wil said "I want Josh to go home now!" Poor Wil. It's so hard being a little boy sometimes.
Wednesday, April 10, 2002
8:45 AM
by Kathy
We were watching "Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed" on Monday night. Josh says, "Afwed is a Bobot" (Alfred is a robot) Later, during bath time. Josh says "Daddy is a nice man."
Last night, we were reading our "Great Dinosaur Search" book. This is the first time we have gotten it out. Josh was able to pick up the point of looking for each animal in the picture right away. I was telling him, very good, when he would find one. So then he would say, "Where one ike dat?", and I would point to it, "Very good Mama!"
Monday, April 08, 2002
8:38 AM
by Kathy
Sunday, Josh and I went to see Beauty and the Beast on IMAX. It was awesome! I have never seen a movie in that format before and I was astounded! Josh did really well. He was a little concerned when the beast came on the screen, but he never cried or anything. He kept talking about Chip the tea cup and Gaston. We really had a good time. Josh even said "Chip, big movie" in his sleep last night.
Right before bedtime, Josh wanted to dance. He would get up and shake his bottom a little bit and spin around a couple of times. Then he would say, "Mama, dance." So I danced. Then Daddy came out and Josh wanted him to dance. But we all had to take turns dancing while the others sat on the couch and watched.
Friday, April 05, 2002
11:44 AM
by Kathy
Yesterday was fun. Josh and I went to see a friend that I went to high school with, Regina, and her family. They live out of town and were visiting for the day. We went to lunch with her and her daughters, Tabby and Reagan. Josh had fun with them. He kept telling them "Come here girls!". We played with them until Josh got so tired he kept falling down.
Last night, he killed his first spider. It was the size of a grain of sand, but he could still see it. Later, at bedtime, he was reading a book with a rhinocerous in it, "Look Mama, hippo-ot-muss!" he said. I didn't correct him, in fact I kept asking him what it was so he would say it again.
Wednesday, April 03, 2002
11:40 AM
by Kathy
Josh has been enjoying his new books, courtesy of Christine, he especially loves "There's a Mouse About the House". He likes to make the mouse go up the clock. He is still bringing some weird things to bed with him though. Last night it was a baby hair brush and a stuffed fish. I can't keep up!
Monday, April 01, 2002
11:28 AM
by Kathy
What a great Easter weekend! On Saturday we went to church to hunt eggs. Josh was a lot better at it this year than last. We didn't have a big enough basket. On Sunday, we drove to my mom's church for worship service and then had dinner with my grandparents. Josh really ate well, he doesn't always. Then we went to visit a former teacher's family. They hadn't seen Josh since he was 4 months old. Next was Shawn's grandparent's house. We missed his grandparents but got to spend time with "Grannie Nanny". On the way home, we played the title track from Nichole Nordeman's This Mystery over and over again. Josh is learning the words to it. I'm constantly amazed at the stuff he does. Lastly, Josh got some great things for Easter. He got books, a Karaoke machine, and "Larry-Boy and the Angry Eyebrows" he was VERY impressed with all of this.